Suwarna Nidhi offers variety of the Banking Services which includes loan at the affordable prices and the deposits at the highest rate as compared to the current prevailing repo rate in the pertaining market as determined by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). AS the rates of the loan are the most affordable in the prevailing market the list members who opts for the same are the increasing in number. The Deposits are the most rewarding one since they offer highest returns as compared to the other Banking Companies and Deposit taking NBFC’s prevailing in the Market.
Suwarna Credit Nidhi limited is a public limited company established under section 406 of the Indian Companies Act, 2013 or pursuing the object of to enable, encourage members to save money, by cultivating the habit of thrift, the featured products of the Suwarna Nidhi limited shall be available specifically to its members only and company shall have transaction only with the members.